You are worth so much – because of who you are...

At HOPE we believe that every human life has value simply by being a member of the human race. We also believe that all human life is created by God. So however your own life started, or whatever others think of you, your life has infinite value. So does your baby.

Did you know that your life was so precious? We're here to listen, please chat with us.

Maybe you have never seen your life this way. Could you imagine this to be true? Perhaps you are aware of something missing in your life.

How can I enjoy God's love?

When things are difficult 'God loves you' can sound empty... cruel even. 

You can't feel loved by someone if you don't know them.

Most of us live doing our own thing. This sounds fine... the problem is we push away the God who made us. The path we choose now continues into eternity – and without Him, under His anger, we perish.

He doesn't want this for anyone. We know God loves. Extravagantly. The evidence? A very costly gift:

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16, the Bible

In love, God gave you His all that you might live. 

For all of us, Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and a fresh start – enjoying God now and forever. This is eternal life. 

Human love tends to be weak. God's love is powerful, stronger than death, and it's for you too.

For more on John 3:16 and why Jesus is good news –

Or read an eyewitness account of his life – John’s Gospel 

We aren't promising everything will be easy.  Jesus will be with you if you come to Him and ask. Whether or not you do, we are here to help. 

At HOPE we give equal value to mothers and their babies. All of us started our lives in the womb. Both then and now, we want you to know that your life is precious.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:13-14, the Bible