Our main work – training churches
HOPE's main focus is to help churches offer gospel-centred pregnancy support. A signpost to spiritual and physical LIFE!
Resources for churches
1. A basic 1-hour seminar: 'How to talk with someone considering an abortion'. So that any believer can respond proactively with love and compassion.
2. More in-depth training: i) to equip those in outreach ministries (such as foodbanks) that meet mothers in challenging pregnancy situations and ii) to help churches that want to set up a pregnancy support ministry.
For more information please message us via: Contact us – for enquiries
Our model – Grace and truth
We believe a grace and truth approach that at heart is missional is to love deeply in the way of Christ. Within sharing gospel hope, to have a general approach of being full of loving-kindness and truth. An ethos and a conviction, not just a specific activity or method.
Grace – to listen and be proactive to share the hope of Jesus Christ, with compassion.
Truth – to listen and be proactive to share the facts about her baby and ‘abortion’, with compassion.
These go hand in hand; we believe you cannot have one without the other.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 the Bible
Online help
HOPE Pregnancy offers kindness, truth and support for anyone in an unexpected or challenging pregnancy who is unsure what to do and looking for help.
We are here to listen, and with compassion, we use honest language to help them think through their situation for themselves.
On the way forward we encourage reflection – 'what is this decision really?' We can't make anyone's decision for them. This is an opportunity for mothers (and fathers) to educate themselves more on the humanity and value of their unborn child, and the reality of an abortion decision.
We are open that our faith and hope in Jesus are central. We do everything in love – if someone isn't interested in our Christian faith we are still here for them. The life-affirming help we offer is available whatever their own thoughts or beliefs.
We pray that the love of Jesus Christ shown towards mothers (and fathers) will lead to opportunities, sensitively and individually, to share the good news of the gospel. He calls us all to come to Him, for peace and hope.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28–29, the Bible
What we offer
It’s really important to know more of the facts, and what support is available. A decision to end the life of their baby is irreversible once complete.
- Encouragement and a safe space to chat and ask questions
- Reliable pregnancy information (baby, abortion)
- Positive, life-affirming help to plan ahead (studies, job, finances)
- Links to local support, rather than abortion (maternity clothing, baby items)
If needed, we want to help her access all the support available to her. Especially to offer connections with local churches that share gospel hope.
HOPE is affiliated with Heartbeat International. We are not a medical or counselling service. The help we offer is free of charge.
Why we are needed
Our HOPE Advocates are here to listen and to speak up for others – love and support for both mother and baby, whatever the challenges of her circumstances. Just as we would if that same baby was a newborn. We do not set them against each other, but treat every human being with respect and dignity.
Uninformed mothers (and fathers)
'Why did no one tell me?!'
Many honest and self-aware women tell us:
- If they had more of the facts they would have not gone ahead with an abortion
- Rather than being helped by abortion they instead suffered significant physical, emotional and spiritual pain
Many also say that at the time of the decision they felt silenced – unable to speak up to protect their baby. HOPE Advocates want to inform, help and encourage mothers (and fathers).
Undefended babies
Many will tell the mother that this decision is all about what she thinks is ‘best’ for her own future. Yet it determines whether or not her own baby will get a chance at life. HOPE Advocates speak up as a voice for the unborn child and believe that this is part of how we best love the mother.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Proverbs 31:8, the Bible
Our beliefs
Our goal is kindness and truth in the love of Christ. We are glad to receive feedback to help us reflect that better here. If you have questions about hope in Jesus Christ, why not explore – Junction316
The science of embryology is clear
'Human development begins at fertilization, the process during which a male gamete or sperm… unites with a female gamete or oocyte… to form a single cell – a zygote. This highly specialized… cell marked the beginning of each of us as a unique individual.'
Keith Moore and T.V.N Persaud, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, Philadelphia, Saunders/Elsevier, 2008,15.
At HOPE we believe that every human life at whatever stage of development from fertilisation has value simply by being a member of the human race.
The Bible affirms that human life starts (and matters) in the womb
Our belief is that every human being is made and sustained by God. Personally created in His image, to reflect Him.
Therefore, we believe that all human beings have value as human persons, including the most vulnerable and voiceless children in the womb.
Each life should be treated with respect, dignity and love; both mother and baby have infinite value.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place... Your eyes saw my unformed body...
Psalm 139:15–16, the Bible
Hope is a Person
We confidently fix our eyes on and point to the fixed reality of Jesus himself, our living hope. We look to His character and His will rather than something good in our own nature or circumstances. Biblical hope for now and eternity is the gospel – Christ in you the hope of glory. Trusting Jesus changes everything in the storms of life now and after death, forever.
So HOPE Pregnancy is not a signpost to hope but pointing in the wrong direction. However difficult the current circumstances or the road ahead, we believe the God who created both mother and baby offers true hope and joy for the journey.
This offer of hope in Jesus Christ is for all of us. How could we not hold out the hope that we have? Our offer to listen and help is not dependent on a response.
...Christ Jesus our hope...
1 Timothy 1:1, the Bible
Amazing grace
God tells us that to intentionally kill an innocent human being is wrong. Through Jesus Christ and God's amazing grace there is the offer of complete forgiveness and restoration. This is for every way in which we have rejected our creator God, and centred our life around something else. We all need the gift of a fresh start to flourish under his loving authority and care.
HOPE Pregnancy responds with compassion and hope towards women (and men) who are bereaved by past abortions. Many are pressured into this decision, especially since abortion has been available as 'healthcare' for so long. This includes women in the Church where often we have been complicit by our silence, or actively encouraged abortion as a solution.
If you are suffering distress after abortion, find friendship with others recovering, and peace and hope in Jesus: Post Abortion Support for Everyone – PASE
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18, the Bible