Struggling with the news, you might feel pressure to act quickly
Take time to know more of the facts. How informed are you on abortion procedures?
Medical abortion Drugs are used to starve your baby and then induce labour to pass your dead baby.
Surgical abortion Instruments are used to cut or crush your baby and then remove them from the womb.
Induction abortion A lethal injection is used to stop your baby’s heart. Then labour is induced to deliver your dead baby.
We understand if you want the problem to disappear... but every abortion ends a human life. We are here to listen and offer help, please:
1st trimester
Medical abortion
Abortion pills
Surgical abortion
Vacuum (suction) aspiration
2nd trimester
Surgical abortion
Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
3rd trimester
Induction Abortion
Injection and stillbirth
If you are suffering distress after abortion, find friendship with others recovering, and peace and hope in Jesus: Post Abortion Support for Everyone – PASE